Bye Bye Sweden

My final week in Sweden was fairly uneventful in terms of nonwork life. We returned to work on Monday morning. Right away we got to work, that day I was the safety and efficiency officer. Unfortunately, we had 3 separate injuries (one of them being me). We moved on past that though. The mushroom path made a decent amount of progress that day. That evening we had our first CAD lesson, rendering. I found the material simple enough and the lesson was over pretty quickly.

Tuesday was slightly more eventful because I got to actually work on the path. We worked all day long.  Then that evening was our second CAD lesson; drawings. I found this slightly less intuitive but also fairly simple and I caught on pretty quickly. That evening I made my presentation for Thursday.

Wednesday was another day of just working all day. That evening I practiced my presentation for the next morning.

Thursday morning we presented. I had a very stressful job of being the GoPro guy. It did not work for Christian’s presentation (the first one). It was taking a time lapse instead. So I recorded it on my phone. Then the next 5 presentations worked perfectly. Until mine, halfway through it decided to stop working. Luckily Yufei saved me and recorded it all. That day I was also on fika duty. It was me, Sara and Khuloud. The 3 middle easterners. Naturally, we decided to make falafel for everyone. We had two simple fikas, just cookies and apples. But for lunch, we made falafel and salads as well as our own specialties. An Iranian drink, a Syrian salad, and Israeli fried eggplant. I think it was pretty popular.

That afternoon we went to the lake and played a Swedish game were you have to knock over sticks. It was a good time even if we met a woman who acted very inappropriately.

On the final day of work we just pushed all day long. We parted from our summer workers right before lunch. Then the entire afternoon felt like the last lap music from Mario Kart. It was very intense as everyone tried to finish as much as they could before the Rice students left. We got a decent chunk done in the mushrooms but obviously, I wish we would’ve gotten more done. I then parted from all the Chalmer’s students and headed back to the hostel.

That evening we went out to Skottskogen one last time. We played four square where Kung was crowned champion of Sweden, Texas and the world. A few hours later I flew to Paris. Then to Tel Aviv.

A final reflection of my time in Sweden will come soon. But for now, enjoy the photo dump.