Woah, We’re Halfway There…

This week began really early. We woke up very early so that we could take the almost hour-long tram ride over to Chalmers @ Hammerkullen. The “campus” is really just a floor on a building but it’s nice. On the first day, we took the time to get to know one another and to get to know the project. I got assigned the (best) group, the mushrooms. I have the smallest group, one of me, two summer workers, and two Chalmers students, one architecture and one engineering master’s, Marie and Sagar. We right away got to work designing, with Ann-Sofie and Salam. We came up with a general idea of what we wanted to do. We also mapped out our main goals.

We spent Tuesday and Wednesday perfecting our design. Until Wednesday afternoon when our stakeholder representatives threw us a curveball and told us to basically redo the whole thing. Which was frustrating, to say the least. But we did it anyway. We grind-ed out and redid the whole thing. Then Thursday we spent the morning doing some final work and then the afternoon setting up the whole site. We had to set up fencing all around which took us a long while and then Sagar and I mapped out the path and came up with an addition which I am really happy with. We found a circle of mushroom stumps so we’re gonna invite people to explore over there.

Our final design is a packed dirt-gravel path that will weave through trees, then there is a wooden bridge into the wilderness circle. Off the sides of this path, there are hand posts that are staked into the ground with rope and can be used as rests for elderly or disabled people. Then also along the path are stackable mushrooms that are interconnected with the same rope that is used for the handposts. Basically, the bottom portion of the mushroom is fixed but the top portion is similar to lego so you can twist it around and move it around to make your own mushroom shape. I think it’s a nice idea and we’ll see how it ends up functioning.

Friday was spent doing the grunt work for the final schedule, making a Gantt chart, making drawings, ordering materials. We split up to get it all done and we did at the last second.

Friday night some of us hung out at the hostel but we didn’t really do anything. Then the next day all of us hopped on the tram and went to the archipelago. which was really cool. I found it reminiscent of Mackinac Island in Michigan. But this was much cooler. We also hopped into the water off some really high diving boards. Hurt my ears a lot and the water was freezing cold but I’m glad I did it. We also just walked around and saw all the rock formations as we walked along the pseudo shore. I’m fairly certain we were trespassing for like eighty percent of the trip but we didn’t get in trouble so no harm, no foul.

Sunday I spent the whole day either eating, grocery shopping or working on the ENGI 355 midterm. Here’s my photo dump for the week. (The ice cream is passionfruit flavored with fresh passionfruit on top).